Probably the best-known work from Plato, the Father of western thought. In this, we can see how Plato raises the theory of the ideas (forms) and discusses the basics of what creates a good political system. On such a basis, Plato challenges the typical state of Athens and calls for equality among the classes as well introduces the idea of the common good. The common good is ultimately what will benefit society the most as a society and not just seek to aid the greed of those in power. Such philosophy not only challenges the state but also the religious concept of Athens on which the gods rule through fear rather than on seeking the best of all.
My thoughts on the Republic:
It is then that since no political regime is worthy of truly being ruled by the man of philosophic nature, and yet that the shadowy city is necessary for the existence of the philosopher that a paradox exists among the source of wisdom. Without first men knowing the definition of shadow, they cannot identify the light. Yet when men identify the light, the shadows negate them leading them to be expulsed from the city. This city is then one which rather leading to the highest of virtues simply leads to the continuous suffering of humans, but like good sheep humankind continuously walking to the slaughterhouse. It is only until the last corrupt politicians cease to govern that the city will hold any possibility from learning that the shadows of the wall are not real, and thus move to the state in which finally deserve the philosophic nature. It is then that we look at the highest of the ideas and contemplate the coming of the true city, the eternal city.