The second most fundamental work across the roots of western thought and political theory. Only second ton his teacher's Republic. Aristotle raises the argument on what constitutes a good society, in it, the philosopher raises how the union of families ultimately leads to the union of the nations. The Politics is in fact probably the first (or at least the most important) western work in systematic thought behind the science of ruling the city. The most important part is the theory of the best political system. In it, we can see that a monarchy ruled by a philosopher-king is the central and perfect(ish) system. Yet, because we are rarely ruled by philosophers, the best we can approach is a republic on which the values of the common good can eventually be achieved.
My thoughts on the Politics:
From the contemplation of the best regime, the best practical regime is born. The best practical regime is that regime in which the middle class serves as a buffer zone between the oligarchs and the democrats. In the same way, the middle class will push for laws that will bring the regime to look and act like a republic while being a combination of oligarchy and democracy. The best regime thus takes the form of a polity. The practical regime being a combination produces a medium, “Those who suppose this to be a single virtue pull the regime to an extreme, ignorant that just as a nose that deviates from the straightness that is most beautiful…For it is indeed possible for an oligarchy or a democracy to be in an adequate condition in spite of departing from the best arrangement.” (Aristotle, Book V 1309b 23-25,31-33). Therefore, the best regime is the one that can assure the best life possible by not negating the justice and freedom of the community while keeping the philosophy of money as a part of the city.
The regime exists to further the life of the community. In it, people will seek to gain what they consider just. Thus, political knowledge is necessary to adequately see what the city needs, and which regime fits her. This can be done by contemplating the best regime and approaching the practical regime towards it. Therefore, politics it’s the study of the best regime that fosters the best life for the community.