The Apology of Socrates is again a key work from Plato that has created an ever-lasting impact on democratic and western values. In it, we see the city sacrifices the Philosopher (who truly is the King) for the matter of maintaining peace and the corruption of the city. Ultimately, it serves to see that the city and the nations ruled by the common men whose main motives are greed, power, and lower values will sacrifice the truth and the teachers of such truth without a second thought. In the apologia, we see how the officials of the city not only lie but fabricate false evidence to ultimately commit the greatest crime against philosophy.
My thoughts on the Apologia:
Socrates serves as the most important gentile forerunner and prophet to the upcoming of Christ and the end of the times. In it, we see that the corrupted is willing to destroy that which is objective and there is no greatest evil than the destruction of the prophets. Socrates serves as the key holder of western values and contemplation of the eternal city. But, because such a city not only destroys the accumulation of wealth but as well the destruction of the imperfect systems, the people rebel against it. We then see that giving power to the common men is not always noble because the common men not being elected towards the pursuit of the highest good will ultimately assassinate the holders of the objective city. In order to stops, such sins from ever occurring the city must be ruled by those who are philosophers, and yet such rather contemplate truth.